Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hayden's sick day with mommy

Hayden has had a bit of a cold lately and last Friday was the WORST so I stayed home from work to be with her. She had a barking cough and she screamed and cried any time I tried to lay her down for a nap. For the most part though, she was still her happy self.

She even let me take a few pictures of her from the back and side views to show you all how long her hair is getting!

After that, we practiced our ballet stretches. Hayden's favorite stretch is reaching up to the sky and then down to touch her toes.

By the next day, Hayden was feeling a little better so we went out for pizza. She had a lot of fun playing at the table and chewing on her straw.

This week, her nose has still been a little runny but she is well on her way to recovery. I'm sure I will have a Cloud family update for you all after our big feast tomorrow for Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Poor little girl :o( Ayden has had a cough and runny nose for the past week as well. It's just that time of year! It's no fun when the kids are sick, though. Hope she feels better soon!!!
